Of course, it wasn't possible to get videos and photos from all the Berlin Thunder players, but at least some of the most prominent ones were captured including most national stars and Oakland Raiders top gun Terdell Sands.
Barclay | Curry | Davis | Fleming | Jacas | Lulay | McMeans | Thompson
Campbell | Cecil | Hiram Eugene | Evans | Flowers | Floyd | Franklin | Hurtado | Mohr | Musinski | Rogers | Taylor | Simnjanovski | Watts | Wrobel
sBoone | Claxton | Engemann | Finlen | Flowers | Hill | Johnson | Mays A. | Mays J. | Mohr | Murray | Pape | Ragone | Rhodes | Scanlon | Simnjanovski | Snell | Sommersell | Watts
Allen | Baker | Brown | Burris | Cheek | Fletcher | Heckenbach | Irvin | Jenkins | Kruse | Matthews | Moore | Smith | Rogers | Stambaugh | Warner | Wesley
Adams | Alford | Branch | Bryant | Chambers | Christian | Duff | Hamilton | Hasselbeck | Heckenbach | Husak | Jackson | Kruse | Kuci | Looker | Lemon | Missouri | Moore | Pfeiffenberger | Pinkney | Sands | Stukes | Warner | White
Bentley | Brown | Earp | Gustin | Guynes | Hagood | Heckenbach | Hill | Jones | Kruse | Kalich | Kuci | Merrit | Moorman | Nuno | Osborne | Phillips | Quinn | Stukes | Thompson | Washington | Washington T.J. | Wesley | Williams | Yancy
Berti | Blackman | Butler | Davis | Duff | Dunn | Edwards | Frier | Green | Gustin | Guynes | Hogans | Jackson | Kresser | Kruse | Milanovich | Mitchell | Peoples | Shay | Sutton | Warren | Yancy
Bowman | Curtis | Dittoe | Edwards | Heckenbach | Kruse | Kuci | McEndoo | Shamburger | Taylor | Ward | Warren | Washington TJ | Washington V.
After his stint at Berlin Thunder Hiram Eugene had landed an amazing career at the Oakland Raiders.
Quarterback Eric Kresser had brought three years of Cincinatti Bengals experience to Berlin Thunder 2000. But against Danny Wuerffel and Rhein Fire Eric Kresser got benched by head coach Peter Vaas.