web62.com IT News
IT news and web hosting

Free Webspace
awardspace.com free hosting

awardspace is one of the eldest free Domain hosting providers offering.

More than 100.000 clients speak for free web hosting at awardspace.

web hosting

* 250 MB Disk Space
* 5 GB Traffic
* 1 Domain Hosting
* 3 Subdomains
* 1 MySQL(v.5) Database
* 100% NO ADS
* PHP5 , Perl/CGI-BIN
* FTP Access
* 1 Email, SMTP, Webmail, POP3
* 1 Email/Spam Filter

Back in the days it had been possible to host 3 domains for free.



Top Free Webhosts

1. atspace

2. freehostingservant

3. Limacity

4. host-ed

5. awardspace

5. freehostia

6. zymic

7. frihost

8. Byethost

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