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Fashion in Russia

In 2014 the outlook on Fashion in Russia had turned dismal after Western governments had decided to launch another political ice age in conjunction with the Ukrainian Russian dispute among former "socialist brothers".

In fact countless jobs and businesses within the fashion industry have gotten heavily jeopardized also through the devaluation of the Russian Rubel and the low oil price, which is hitting the Russian economy badly.

Before the European and Russian members of the garment industry have been able to develop many successful collaborations and partnerships, which are now seeing their probably most difficult times.

One may hope, that at least Germany will be able to return to the quality of politicians, that was shown by former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and his foreign secretary Joschka Fischer, who had helped a lot, to pave the way for creative business men like Igedo CEO Manfred Kronen and Dutch textile trader Jan Stam, who both have demonstrated, that fashion is able to build bridges and to cross borders.

Russian Designer Fashion shows

Cyrille Gassiline

Cyrille Gassiline Fashion show

Große sinnliche Designer Mode aus Moskau bietet Cyrille Gassiline

Modenschau Video und Fotos

Victoria Sawateeva

Victoria Sawateeva Fashion Show videos

Designer Fashion from Victoria Sawateeva.

Video 1 | Video 2

Lilia Poustovit

Lilia Poustovit Fashion from Russia

Lilia Poustovit Designer Mode ausRussland.

Olga Samoschenko

Photo Olga Samoschenko Fashion Show

Olga Samoschenko Modenschau.
Fashion show Video

Lena Tsokalenko

photo Designer Fashion from Lena Tsokalenko

Russiasche Designer Modenschau von Lena Tsokalenko.

Fashion show video

Zlava Zaitsev

Fashion Zlava Zaitsev

Zlava Zaitsev ist vermutlich der Interational bekannteste Russische Mode Designer.

Modenschau Video


CPM Fashion trade fair Moscow

CPM Modemesse in Moskau

Right now the CPM is suffering a lot from Western politics, though it seems obvious, that the Russians and the Ukrainians will return back to normal sooner or later.

Back in the days it had been a gold digger atmosphere in Moscow where fashion stores were mushrooming as described by former CPM and CPD owner Manfred Kronen in some of his video interviews.

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Mode in Russland

Jan Stamm Fashion Russia

Seit Jahrzenten unterstützt Jan Stamm deutsche Modefirmen bei ihrer Expansion in Russland vom Marketing bis hin zum Inkasso und Bäumler, van Laack, Steilmann und andere Unternehmen schätzen seine Kontakte.

Auch IGEDO MD Gerald Böse war beeindruckt von Russland und CEO Manfred Kronen sprach gar von " ... wie bei uns in besten Zeiten ...

Video interview

van Laack in Russland

Christian von Daniels van Laack Christian von Daniels erwarb das feine Label van Laack in 2002 und Russland ist für ihn ein wesentlicher Markt.

Video Interview

Mode für Russland

Bäumler AG

Kapraun , die Bäumler AG und die Holländische Lorenzo Gruppe mit Jaguar sind ebenfalls stark an Russland interessiert.

Video interviews


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