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Tsunami in Sri Lanka

Tsunami 2004

Not everyone got well over the Tsunami, but in fact, some Sri Lankans have manged to benefit a lot from the Tsunami and some of them did even dare to call it "the golden wave".

Only the Germans alone had donated $2 billion out of a total of $4 billion to help Sri Lanka and most obviously that money must have gone somwhere.

Only a few months after the Tsunami most beaches were back to their business by catering countless NGO folks, who had fallen madly in love with Sri Lankan beach parties where at that time food and drinks were still affordable.

But with the arrival of the NGOs price had gone through the roof and in particular the rents in Colombo had seen a massive hike due to the large demand that was claimed by all the foreigners, who had flown in from around the world.

The Tsunami videos

After the Tsunami Unawatuna and Galle had been in a sad state as these videos with also eyewitness interviews reveal.

Video 1 pictures from Galle
Video 2 The Matara Express
Video 3 pictures from Unawatuna

Pre and post Tsunami videos

Unawatuna and Hikkaduwa had been looking really good a few days before the Tsunami and many tourists were having a great time.

Watch the video

The Surfcity guest house owner had talked about surfing and the recovery of Unawatuna.

Watch the video

photo Tsunami in Galle
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Tsunami in Galle

Some parts of Galle didn't look that well for a few days. But overall, Galle had recovered very fast from the Tsunami and a lot of lucrative NGO business got washed into the area as well.

People in Galle

photo people in Galle Road after the Tsunami

After the Tsunami so many Galle citizens were truly wondering. "What to do?" were probably a lot of them thinking.




Railways Galle

photo Railways in Galle Road after the Tsunami

Also the rails to Colombo were heavily affected by the Tsunami and it took a while to find out, how many sections had required repairs.





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