The Tsunami waves had left a tremendous amount of debris and hardly any building near the ocean had come out of this catastrophe without damages.
Houses on higher grounds, which had not been touched by the flood were affected by the absence of power, telephone and security as there had been a large amount of looters and prison runaways including several notorious killers, who where seeking to capitalize on the complete absence of police and army during the first hours after the Tsunami.
After the Tsunami Unawatuna and Galle had been in a bad state as these videos with eyewitness interviews reveal.
1 pictures from the Galle
Video 2 the Matara Express
3 pictures from Unawatuna
Unawatuna and Hikkaduwa had been looking really good a few days before the Tsunami and many tourists were having a great time.
Mnths after the Tsunami a guest house owner had talked about surfing and the recovery of Unawatuna.
Galle Road saw a few fairly irritated looking citizens, who had never ever heard of the word Tsunami before.
Obviously Galle Road had been in a very bad state and camp fires had been the only lights for the first few weeks in an area, that was almost sealed from direct Colombo supplies as the rails and the coastal road had vanished in the waves or under debris at various points.
At least some parts of the road were cleaned right after the Tsunami, so that victims were able to reach the absolutely swamped Galle Hospital.